CAB IX Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Portal Will Open in Mid-October 2024

General Information

The submission period will run from mid-October, 2024 to December 16, 2024. Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time (ET) on December 16, 2024. 

All presenters must register and pay for the conference by April 7, 2025. Registration opens on February 17, 2025. Presenters are responsible for their presentation expenses; no honorarium is provided.

All pre-conference workshop presenters must be registered for the full CAB IX conference. 

Presenters will be notified of presentation acceptance by February 17, 2025.

Presenters will submit a digital copy of posters and presentations in the month prior to the conference. Digital copies of posters and presentations will be available to conference attendees in the conference app. 

Acceptance allows the CAB IX Planning Committee to publish the abstracts in conference proceedings and online. You can submit abstracts for the following presentation types:

CAB IX Pre-Conference Abstracts

  • Intensive Workshop (3 hours)

CAB IX Conference Abstracts

  • Poster Presentation
  • Oral Presentation (30 minutes)
  • Mini-Workshop (60 minutes)
  • Workshop (90 minutes)
  • Pecha Kucha Presentation (7 minutes within a 60-minute session)


Conference Themes

1. Innovative Approaches to Interprofessional Pedagogy and Education Science

Description: This category invites submissions that explore methods and theories in pedagogy and education science aimed at developing interprofessional knowledge, skills, and attitudes that impact health outcomes. It focuses on innovative teaching methods that meet challenges and address barriers to collaborative care, foster the development of interprofessional identity, and enhance learner engagement and learning outcomes.

Examples May Include:

  • Designing and assessing blended and hybrid learning models, including the integration of online and face-to-face instruction in multiple settings.
  • Methods and frameworks for creating inclusive and equitable learning environments that support diverse student populations.
  • New approaches to assessing learner learning and providing meaningful feedback to enhance educational outcomes.
  • Programs and strategies for continuous faculty development and the adoption of innovative teaching practices.
  • Demonstration of interprofessional learning in practice, impact on Quadruple (or Quintuple) Aim outcomes for practicing teams.
  • Comprehensive evaluation strategies that measure the effectiveness of IPE programs, including formative and summative evaluations.


2. Humanities and Social Sciences in Collaborative Practice

Description: This category explores the critical role that humanities and social sciences play within interprofessional (IP)  teams. It seeks to highlight the interdisciplinary approaches that incorporate the insights and methodologies from fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and the arts to enhance the effectiveness of interprofessional collaborations and the well-being of those providing and receiving health and social care. Submissions should focus on the importance of understanding human behavior, culture, and social dynamics in promoting health.

Examples May Include:

  • Examining how social factors such as socioeconomic status, education, and community environment influence health outcomes and how IP teams can address these determinants.
  • Strategies for promoting mental health and resilience among healthcare workers, including stress management, burnout prevention, and work-life balance.
  • Discussions on ethical dilemmas and moral considerations in medical practice, informed by humanities and social sciences perspectives.
  • Addressing health disparities and promoting social justice through interprofessional collaborations and policy advocacy.
  • Apply social science theoretical models to assessing and improving effective interprofessional collaboration and teamwork.


3. Expanding Interprofessional Health and Social Care Teams and Collaborative Practice

Description: This category emphasizes the importance of active engagement and collaboration with individuals and their families in the care process to enhance health outcomes and satisfaction. Submissions should explore innovative models, strategies, and practices that promote inclusive and participatory approaches to health and social care.

Examples May Include:

  • Exploring expanded team structures that incorporate individuals, families, and their communities, along with diverse professionals, in collaborative care.
  • Approaches to improving communication between health and social care professionals, patients/clients, families, including health literacy initiatives and educational programs.
  • The use of informatics, big data, digital tools, AI, apps, or telehealth to facilitate patient/client and family involvement in care planning and management.
  • Metrics and methodologies for assessing the impact of patient/client and family engagement on health outcomes and care quality.


4. Collaborative Leadership and Shared Responsibility in Interprofessional Teams

Description: This category focuses on the dynamics of leadership, shared responsibility, and management within interprofessional (IP) teams in health and social care settings. It aims to address the complexities of power relations, scope of practice, and the development of effective health workforce strategies that promote collaborative practice. In addition, consideration of how to engage all members of our health and social service teams such as medical assistants, nursing assistants, community health workers, the IT team, support staff, call centers, etc. in the design of optimal interprofessional collaboration and teams. Submissions should explore how various professionals within IP teams can work together more effectively through strong leadership, mutual respect, and shared goals.

Examples May Include:

  • Approaches to collective problem-solving, decision-making processes, and the development of management reasoning skills among team members.
  • Strategies for building a competent and cohesive health workforce that is well-prepared for collaborative practice, including training and professional development initiatives.
  • Approaches to engaging all members of health and social service teams in interventions to improve effective interprofessional collaboration to achieve outcomes.
  • Methods for managing and resolving conflicts that arise within interprofessional teams to maintain a productive working environment.
  • Metrics and methodologies for assessing the performance and impact of interprofessional teams on healthcare delivery.


Review Criteria

We encourage submitting abstracts that reflect CAB IX's goals and themes. Selection criteria include:

  • Interprofessional Collaboration: Is interprofessional collaboration reflected in the submission (at least 2 disciplines or professions)?
  • Conference Theme Alignment: Is the submission aligned with the conference theme?
  • Research Questions and Methods: Is there a clear statement of the research questions and methods (for research presentations)?
  • Methods Appropriateness: Are the methods appropriate to the research questions or objectives?
  • Findings and Conclusions: Is there a clear statement of the findings and are the conclusions reasonable given the methods and results?
  • Program Objectives: Is there a clear statement of the program/initiative objectives (for programmatic innovation)?
  • Description Clarity: Is the description of the program or research clear?
  • Implementation and Evaluation: Is the implementation or evaluation plan clear and appropriate?
  • Originality and Innovation: Does the work appear to add new information to the field or demonstrate originality or innovativeness?
  • Relevance: Is the submission relevant and likely to provide useful information to participants in their work settings?
  • Theoretical Framework: Is there evidence that a theoretical framework was used in the design?


Submission Guidelines

CAB IX Pre-Conference Abstracts

Intensive Workshop

Description: Pre-conference intensive workshops are designed to offer hands-on experiences and interactive engagement with emerging issues related to interprofessionalism. These 3-hour workshops, available as either morning or afternoon sessions, are structured to offer deep dives into specific topics, fostering an environment of in-depth learning and practical skill-building. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in focused content, working closely with experts in the field to gain valuable insights and practical tools that can be directly implemented in their professional area of practice. These sessions are ideal for those looking to enhance their knowledge, refine their skills, and develop strategies for effective interprofessional educations and collaboration.

Duration: 3 hours 

Word Limit: 300 words (excluding learning objectives and references).

Submission Guidelines: Themes include new approaches to collaborative learning, patient/client engagement, interprofessional collaboration, etc. Your abstract submission should include the following:

  • Background/rationale
  • Detailed description of the workshop (including format, teaching methods, level of interactivity, agenda, and a list of presenters)
  • 2-3 learning objectives
  • Target audience (e.g., practitioners, program planners, policymakers, educators, administration, patient/client/community, other)
  • Competency level (e.g., whether the content is for beginners or intermediate or advanced levels)
  • Minimum or maximum number of participants
  • Session preference (morning/afternoon)
  • References (3-5)
  • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)


CAB IX Main Conference Abstracts

Poster Presentation

Description: This is an opportunity to display and discuss your completed original research or unique program/initiative. There will be dedicated time for viewing posters during the conference. There will be a live poster session in the program for poster presenters to present their posters to the conference attendees.

Physical copies of posters will be set up on May 27, 2025 in the afternoon. Accepted poster presenters will receive guidelines on the size and dimensions of posters closer to the conference. 

Poster presenters will also submit a digital file of their posters to be displayed for attendees on the conference website and app.

Word Limit: 300 words (excluding references).

Submission Guidelines: Submissions can be one of two categories (research or programmatic innovation).  Select the category that best aligns with your work.  

Your abstract submission should include the following:

  • Background rationale and/or research questions
  • Goals, objectives, and purpose
  • Methods/Methodology
  • Results/Findings
  • Conclusions, implications, and/or curiosities
  • References
  • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)
Oral Presentation

Description: 30-minute presentation (20 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q&A).

Word Limit: 300 words (excluding learning objectives and references).

Submission Guidelines: Submissions can be either research or programmatic/innovation. Your abstract submission should include the following:

  • Research:
    • Background and research question
    • Methods/Methodology
    • Results
    • Conclusions, implications, and curiosities
    • 2-3 learning objectives
    • References
    • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)
  • Programmatic/Innovation:
    • Background/context
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation plan
    • Outcome(s) and significance
    • 2-3 learning objectives
    • References
    • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)

Description: A participatory task-oriented small group educational experience directed toward the acquisition, demonstration, construction, and/or synthesis of specific knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes.

Duration: 60 minutes

Word Limit: 300 words (excluding learning objectives and references).

Submission Guidelines: Your abstract submission should include the following:

  • Background/rationale
  • Session outline with active learning strategies
  • 2-3 learning objectives
  • Target audience (e.g. practitioners, program planners, policymakers, educators, administration, patient/client/community, other)
  • Competency level (e.g. whether the content is for beginners or intermediate or advanced levels)
  • Minimum or maximum number of participants
  • References (3-5)
  • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)



Description: Traditional 90-minute workshops are designed to provide a participatory, task-oriented small group educational experience. These sessions focus on the acquisition, demonstration, construction, and synthesis of specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Participants will engage in interactive activities and collaborative discussions, allowing them to immerse themselves in focused content and gain new insights in a supportive and dynamic environment. These workshops offer a balance of in-depth learning and practical application, making them an ideal setting for enhancing expertise and developing new strategies in a condensed format.

Duration: 90 minutes

Word Limit: 300 words (excluding learning objectives and references).

Submission Guidelines: Your submission should include the following:

  • Duration
  • Background/rationale
  • Session outline with active learning strategies
  • 2-3 learning objectives
  • Target audience (e.g. practitioners, program planners, policymakers, educators, administration, patient/client/community, other)
  • Competency level (e.g. whether the content is for beginners or intermediate or advanced levels)
  • Minimum or maximum number of participants
  • References (3-5)
  • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)


Pecha Kucha Presentation

Description: Share Your Passion. Tell Your Story. A Pecha Kucha presentation uses 20 slides or images, displayed for 20 seconds each, totaling 7 minutes. This concise format ensures the presentation stays engaging and on time. Pecha Kucha presentations focus on storytelling through images rather than text and are often used to share creative work or personal journeys. Pecha Kucha sessions will include 5-6 speakers in a 60-minute session with a moderated Q&A at the end. Examples of recorded Pecha Kucha presentations can be found on the Pecha Kucha website.

Word Limit: 300 words.

Submission Guidelines: 

Submissions topics:

  • Patient/client journey: personal or patient/client story of engagement with an interprofessional collaborative practice team
  • Well-being: wellness/wellbeing journey of resilience for a healthcare professional or care team
  • Solved-problem: an exploration of a successful intervention or strategy that effectively addressed a specific challenge in healthcare, showcasing the journey from problem identification to solution implementation and impact

Your submission should include the following:

  • Background: What story will you be talking about? Why?
  • Rationale: What is your goal? (To inform, inspire, convince?)
  • Impact: What is the impression you want to give? What feeling do you want your audience to stay with?
  • Relationship to the conference theme
  • Summary paragraph for the program (50 words)